Thank you! Danke!

… for becoming a GLS Ottawa member and supporting the school!

Please remember to pay immediately via e-transfer or PayPal (links below) . Save this page or print it out as your membership confirmation!

You can pay the following ways:

  • E-Transfer (preferred method, no extra fees apply):

Use your online banking portal to create an Electronic Money Transfer using the recipient address and if prompted use the password GLSOTTAWA.

  • Online by PayPal (3% transaction fees are charged to GLS):


  • (In person by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card)

    During the school day.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Here are the yearly GLS membership fees:

  • 1 Student = $195

  • 2 Students = $365

  • 3 Students = $475

  • 4 Students = $585

Please note that for now, High School students only are also required to register separately with the school board’s International Languages Program (ILP), since these classes are credit courses. Here is the link: